#602 - Erik Burnham Writer of Ghostbusters Year One Returns! - January 20, 2020

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This week on the show, long-time writer of the Ghostbusters IDW Comics Erik Burnham returns to talk about Ghostbusters Year One! With the first of four issues on shelves this week, now’s the time to jump on-board the IDW train, and Troy and Chris catch up with Erik on all that’s been in the comics world since he was last on the show and what’s in store for readers this week and moving forward! All that plus Chris’ idea for a new cinematic universe on the next Crossrip!

#601 - "Reintroductions" - January 13, 2020

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This week on the show, has it really been this long? Boy, we should really treat this year as a new “pilot” so to speak, so that you know who these two dopes are that talk for hours and hours and why you should listen to them. And sure, since we’ve been on hiatus for the holidays we should probably talk about the QuickBooks ads starring Annie Potts reprising her role as Janine, some of the most recent Ghostbusters Afterlife news and murmurings, remembering SFX artist Tim Lawrence and comedian Buck Henry, and just what exactly was that awesome Atom View technology that Sony Electronics was showing off at CES? Troy explains why it made him geek out (aside from the Ecto being refurbished and on display in front of the Vegas crowd). Bonus, just what was Troy’s ridiculous bootleg gift from his parents for Christmas? Help us figure out one of the signatures this week on the show!

#550 - "Ghostbusters Afterlife Trailer A Listener Voicemails" - December 16, 2019

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Hard to believe that one week ago, we got our first glimpse at Ghostbusters Afterlife. But through the course of the week, you all have been hitting the voicemail with your thoughts, excitement, and a whole lot more. We thought we’d compile everyone’s messages into a single episode and turn this one over to you all - the mic is yours!

#549 - "Ghostbusters Afterlife Trailer A Discussion" - December 12, 2019

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An episode release on a Thursday? Have we gone mad? I guess so, because a trailer for GHOSTBUSTERS 3 was released on Monday. We’ve gotta cut into the feed with a special episode. This week on the show, Troy and Chris talk about their reactions to the trailers, their thoughts on some of the teases and what certain elements could mean, and a whole lot more on this special (and long) episode of the Crossrip!

#548 - "Ghostbusters Shopping Network Year Five" - December 9, 2019

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Looking for Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer reactions? Don’t sweat - we’ve got you covered with two episodes coming Wednesday night and Monday morning. In the meantime, our storied tradition hits its fifth year of giving the gift to your earholes of gift ideas! That’s right, it’s the Ghostbusters Shopping Network for 2019, and a few surprises from Chris. Stay tuned (and yes - get ready for all the trailer talk you can handle in about 48 hours after we’ve dissected EVERY frame).

#547 - "Echo Chamber" - December 2, 2019

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This week on the show, what if there ISN’T a big fan premiere event? Many fans are assuming that Sony will make a splash and open the doors to fans, but what will happen if that’s not the case? Troy and Chris talk through it and a whole lot more, including the last news round up leading up to the holidays and your voicemails!

#546 - "It's Miller Time! with the Ghostbusters of British Columbia" - November 25, 2019

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It’s the holidays! Everybody’s busy! But you know what? There’s always time to sit down for a cold one with friends. This week on the show, welcome back the Ghostbusters of BC for another installment of our Miller Time segments where we (this time, just Chris) sit down to talk to a franchise about anything and everything. Well, mainly everything. Check it!

#545 - "Who is More the Fool?" - November 18, 2019

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This week on the show, Chris and Troy catch up on merch news and the latest Ghostbusters (2020) chat including casting, title rumors, and Ecto Cooler fake-outs. First up on the merch train, Wal-Mart has a whole display of model cars, Eaglemoss figures that were previously exclusives are up for grabs, and William Murray has a pretty great Ghostbusters-specific item just in time for the holidays. In fan film and watchables news, check out V-Sauce’s “Could You Survive” Ghostbusters, some legal chat, and a couple of fan films. Then in the second half of the show, let’s talk about that rumored Ghostbusters (2020) title, the confirmed casting announcements, and just what was the deal with that Ecto Cooler “ad” that circulated last week?

#544 - "Can vs. Should" - November 11, 2019

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This week on the show, casting for Ghostbusters (2020) including Oliver Cooper and possibly Bill Murray (again), and a brief discussion on expectations for the movie as we round the corner in the new year. First up, Troy’s flying solo and handles a couple quick housekeeping items on casting news for Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters film including Dan’s comments on Bill Murray and the rest of the crew coming back for another ride and the official casting announcement of Oliver Cooper (The Front Runner) to the film. Then, in the second half of the episode, Troy talks a little bit about our expectations for the film. How should we be keeping them in check? And how should our discourse online be contemplated as things that the film CAN be versus things that the film SHOULD be? Join us for more!

#543 - "Chris Made Me Do This" - November 4, 2019

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This week on the show, IDW has a Year One mini on the way, GBTVG Remastered is patched up, and when will we see a trailer for Ghostbusters (2020)? First up, Chris and Troy take a trip down memory lane (hence the photo on this week’s cover from the ORIGINAL Crossrip episode), then after catching up, news from IDW about a four issue mini called Year One on the way, GBTVG patched updates for all consoles except Switch (and what do the boys hope to see in terms of video games next year), and finally - there’s a Digital Spy article that thinks Ferris Bueller, The Breakfast Club, Ghostbusters, and more all take place in the same cinematic universe. Could it be?

#542 - "WGBI Halloween 2019 Spooktacular" - October 28, 2019

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The air is crisp (not in Los Angeles). The leaves are falling (not in Los Angeles). Witches and skeletons adorn lawns (every day in Los Angeles). It can mean only one thing, it’s Halloween! And WGBI is on the air with another Spooktacular mega-mix by the master himself, Chris Stewart. Songs, trailers, soundbites, and a whole lot more are coming your way. Don’t touch that dial, because WBGI is live!

#541 - "Cleanin' Up the Town Premiere Recap" - October 1, 2019

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This week on the show, a normal episode - news, Ghostbusters 2020 updates and a recap of the first FULL screening of the “Cleanin’ Up the Town” documentary! First up, a recap on all the news including impressions of Ghostbusters the Video Game Remastered, merch news including Hero Collector books coming in 2020, reactions to rare and never before seen footage appearing on social media, and a Sony augmented reality game launching in Japan (will it launch in North America?). In the second segment of the show, catching up on Ghostbusters (2020) news, including a wonderful article in the Calgary Herald on Francois Audouy’s production design and the biggest news - production has wrapped! Plus, Paul Rudd CANNOT tell you anything about the movie. He swears. Then, after catching up on your voicemails, Chris recaps his experience in Calgary moderating a Q&A for the world premiere of the long-awaited making-of documentary, “Cleanin’ Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters.” After all this waiting, did the doc live up to expectations? Find out in this week’s show!

#540 - "Containment Breakdown" - October 14, 2019

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Nor rain, sleet, snow, colds, ear infections, termites, long work hours, can stop the - - well, they did. We missed last week’s episode and what resulted this week is a mishmash of what should have aired last week and something new. Chris was kind enough to put together a little something on his own to give you the latest news including NYCC’s reveals, thoughts on Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered and more. Then, in the second half of the show, Chris has some Halloween viewing suggestions starring a few familiar faces.

#539 - "Take This Broken Wing" - September 30, 2019

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This week on the show, can Bill Murray teleport across Westeros like Littlefinger? How is he simultaneously in North America and also getting hurt in a car accident in Scotland (and on his 69th birthday too)? We’ll explore that as a segue into some Ghostbusters (2020) news including comments made by Ivan and Jason Reitman at the Calgary International Film Festival and a very familiar book cover image posted to Jason Reitman’s Instagram. All that plus updates on our ticket giveaway for Cleanin’ Up the Town and a little bit of merch news (t-shirts, t-shirts, and - - designer jeans?) in another edition of the Crossrip!

#538 - "Conspicuously Old Fashioned" - September 23, 2019

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This week on the show, some Ghostbusters (2020) developments, merch news, and a discussion topic that makes us feel old (what doesn’t, at this point?). First up, merch news including a Mondo soundtrack release, Cakeworthy clothes, NYCC Diamond Select exclusives, and some video game news including Left For Dead 2 DLC up for sale. Then, in our first Ghostbusters (2020) segment in a long time, Ivan Reitman and Dan Aykroyd were at Halloween Horror Nights in Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight may have gotten them to spill a few (spoilerific beans) including who Paul Rudd might be playing in the new film. And, Dan appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast confirming something that we already knew - but it set the internet abuzz. In the last segment of this week’s show, Troy and Chris explore the anachronisms of Ghostbusters. Things that have been phased out that the new generation of fans will never understand. Check the card catalog for the episode’s location and join us, won’t you? Plus - stay tuned to the very end for a fun contest, Stewart-style!

#537 - "Masters of the Toy License Universe" - September 16, 2019

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This week on the show, Troy and Chris are catching up on the biggest news items of the past few weeks: Hasbro, Halloween Horror Nights, Cleanin’ Up the Town and more! First up, Chris is flying to Calgary, but not for the reason that you’d immediately think, he’ll be attending one of the first (finally!) screenings of the Ghostbusters making-of documentary “Cleanin’ Up the Town.” Then, the boys talk about the recent news that Hasbro is taking over the master toy license next year. What does it mean? What do they hope is in store? All that plus items on Halloween Horror Nights and more on this week’s show!

#536 - "Listener Voicemails" - September 9, 2019

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This week on the show, we’re turning the airwaves over to you, our awesome listeners for your voicemails! Since we’ve had a few shows with lengthy discussion topics, we haven’t been able to air as many of your messages as we’d like, so here’s a whole episode of them. Wild and Crazy Guys chat, “What If” chat, even a few people talking about their prized Ghostbusters collections. Give your fellow Ghosthead a listen today!

#535 - "Wild and Crazy Guys Book Club Part 2" - September 2, 2019

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This week on the show, the exciting conclusion to our book club for Nick de Semlyen’s “Wild and Crazy Guys.” Right out of the gate, the conversation sticks to Ghostbusters - what was surprising (if anything) to this well-read group of Ghostheads in the club? Can Troy become a bonafide Canadian? Will everything turn out all right on the Nothing But Trouble set? Tune in to find out!

#534 - "Wild and Crazy Guys Book Club Part 1" - August 26, 2019

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Finally at long last, our book club discussion on the fantastic “Wild and Crazy Guys” by Nick de Semlyen. We’re happy to be joined by the Ontario Ghostbusters once again for a roundtable discussion on the iconic group of comedians who influenced generations of those to follow including Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, John Belushi, Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Eddie Murphy. What did we learn about the private lives of these comedians? Did our opinions of them change? What new anecdotes and stories did we learn? Tune in to find out!

#533 - "What If: Casting Had Been Very Different?" - August 19, 2019

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This week on the show, we continue our “What If” series with another thought experiment: what if some of the alternative castings mentioned over the years had actually gotten the role? What if John Candy had played Louis Tully? What if Jeff Goldblum had played Egon Spengler? And what if Eddie Murphy had played Winston Zeddemore? All of these and more are explored as Troy and Chris think of reasons the castings may have worked (or, in some instances, why it’s probably better it didn’t).